Why Isima matters more than ever?


We at Silicon Valley told the world to collect lots of data, hire data experts, and magic would happen. Enterprises listened and did their best to start their digital transformation journey. A decade later, data shows that we in Silicon Valley have failed to put customer’s outcomes first. Enterprises tried going digital by gluing together a maze of technologies from Cloud, Open Source, and SaaS vendors. The S&P 500 returns over the last decade show these Silicon Valley companies made lots of money, but Enterprises made no returns.

The day our data failed us

Then the world changed with COVID. The data investments Enterprise made failed miserably to adapt to this changed world.  Many of the models relied on historical data to predict future events. The fundamental reason for this was that our tech companies told Enterprises that real-time does not matter. They also preached, “Build a Data Warehouse, Data Lake and magic will happen.” Would any of us consider a human being that learns new mental models every 3-6 months intelligent? We, as human beings, learn in real-time as we interact with the world. Then why do we expect ML models built on a warehouse to work, especially when they are not learning in real-time? Enterprises have accepted batch mode and static models as “good enough” because that is all current data technology can do.

Outcomes first with limited resources

The current situation with COVID makes this even more urgent. We should not expect Enterprises to hire armies of Engineers to solve their most pressing problems such as a real-time supply chain, customer churn, predictive analytics, personalization, or fraud. The only thing Enterprises need from data technology is to deliver outcomes that impact their top line or bottom line quickly. The ones that react fastest with data will gain market share during this crisis.

ML is an experimental science, and the faster we learn, the more likely we will deliver impact. Any Data Scientist, Engineer, Analyst, or Product owner should be able to get access to real-time data and run experiments without needing help from the rest of the organization. This person should be able to deliver impact in days and keep improving models. That is the promise Isima makes to our Enterprise customers. Pick your hardest data problem and, with one junior Python developer, go into production in 4 weeks.

The 10x Difference

We at Isima feel that our mission is even more relevant today. Enterprises have to do more with less. We are 10x better with data compared to any other solution, and our goal is to be 100x better.

To hear perspectives from my fellow partners in crime, see here, here, and here.  The press release announcing our launch is here.

To get started on your journey, click here. And you can reach us @ imagine@isima.io or +1(833)-API-AIBI.